Lleonard Sabino and had a happy marriage as they were in line with the tastes, age and finances with great humor and good health.
about 3or4days are gonefor a trip withsisterLeonardawho had arrivedfrom abroad. atthattimethere wererumors, gossip, andinvestigationsof abeautiful girlwho hadarrivedwiththem on tripsbecausethey believedinqquethis girlwas the daughterofthehappy couplebutIdoubtverymuchbecause itwasdevelopedforthe ageof4 months old.
Aurora was the name he was given Leonarda Sabino and the girl. The girl was way too beautiful but did not think about marriage until one day a wealthy boy was to provide shelter, wealth, name ... SabrinoitmuchthoughtthencrossedmiradasconLeonardaand saidtheywantedway tooAuroraas ifthey hadbegottenbutleft himfreetodowhatever I wanted, they decided to talktoAurorawould chooseto haveit..shesaidshelooked likeapersonhadfascinatedhim.
they had hadaconversationthattheythoughtthere wasafeelingthatif hehadnotthought.Theboycompliedandthedesicionwas sad.
2. Text
Thedramaas agenrefilm:
Asthedramafilm genrealwaysraisesconflictsbetweenthe main characters inthefilm narrativeprovokingan emotional responsein theviewer,shakingto it, becausethat appealsto their sensibilities.The problemsof the charactersarerelatedtothepassionordomestic problems. Thethemes ofthesefilmsis diverse, but itsmain focusis love. When the latterisquiteexaggerated, thedramais knownformelodrama: In it, thecharactersare limitedto thesimplisticnatureofgoodandbad. Mostmoviespromotemoralityas the coreandthereforehaveapronounceddidactic dimension. Thepresenceofmusicandphotographyemphasizethecredibilityof the work.
GENERAL OBJECTIVE:With this issue we make people not only see the drama as afilm genre but as cases move from real life, they learn many things and see a different world, we see what life is reflected. Some movies teach us good things and other bad things.
We use this genre to express what we live every day.
We use this genre to make people understand how we can reflect positive or negativeevents to us in the future could affect daily living.
We use this genre to demonstrate that through movies we can achieve many goals.
We use this genre of drama is able to see both sides of life.
STARTING POINT: use the blog in the classroom to improve their English classes, and through technology we facilitate learning, they can not help the way we express ourselves and helps us to develop language skills, with blog save time and do not handle a lot of writing, it's more like both the teacher and the students for the teacher because by the middle of the blog is helpful because it is a guide to teach.
chosenthetopic beforewelearnfrom thedrama:
preparation of actors
the basis of the writers
the basic structure of the locations
The characteristic of the drama
the way in which the drama can be manipulated with other issues such as action comedy from a few other
the drama also known as we are to prepare for a play about the drama
at the location before and over sized (Hollywood)
to have more in-depth information on this in one of the best venues such as Hollywood
and teaching as not only one more film, a work more, but as something that has a lot of preparation and is to work hard and for that we have to appreciate the work
Main Objective: implement the drama as an art show that goes beyond the films and film, causing to others an awareness that art should be required to drama as such.
Specific Objectives:
- Seeing movies of drama to stimulate ourselves and to be able to know that they are exactly these movies.
- Seeing movies that are to help ourselves to rising ours he autoestimates and to manage to love ourselves as persons.
- To design exhibitions and images to show that the kind drama is an art that helps us to develop our minds.
jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011
Hollywood is a district of the Angeles. His name is associated withthe headquarters of the American film industry.
The town was founded in 1857. Although the name comes from the words holly (holly) and wood (forest), was the wife of a developer who gave his name, in 1880, to his ranch located in the area after having met a couple of other place whose home was called Hollywood.
In 1903 Hollywood officially became a municipality and seven years later his council ors voted in favor of integration of the province'spopulation of Los Angeles, primarily to provide sufficient water through the grid of the city.
description ofsomefilm companies
Universal Studios, also known as Universal Studios or Universalsimply, is an American company dedicated to film production and distribution. It is one of six major American film studios. Its mainproduction and distribution arm of Universal Pictures movie is. Is controlled by a partnership of General Electric yVivendi SA. calledNBC Universal.
The studios and corporate offices are at number 100 of theUniversal City Plaza Drive enUniversal City, County of Los Angeles, USA. UU. It also has 3 theme parks: Universal Studios Hollywood,Universal Orlando Resort and Universal Studios Japan
Twentieth(20th)CenturyFoxis theabbreviated nameof the CorporationFílmicaTwentiethCenturyFox,isoneof themajorfilmstudios,located intheareadeCenturyCityinLosAngeles(California),USA,justwestofBeverlyHills.Thisstudyisasubsidiary ofNewsCorporation, the media conglomeratecontrolledbyRupertMurdoch.
Warner Brothers Entertainment,
Incisoneof thelargestfilm andtelevisionproducersin the world.He is currentlya subsidiaryofTimeWarnerconglomeratebasedenBurbank,California, USA.WarnerBros.includesseveral subsidiary companies, includingWarnerBros.Studios,WarnerBros.Pictures,WarnerBros.InteractiveEntertainment,WarnerBros.Television,WarnerBros.Animation,WarnerHomeVideo,NewLineCinema,CastleRockEntertainment,TurnerEntertainment,DarkCastleEntertainment,DCComics,and theremnants ofHanna-BarberaProductions,Inc.,buttheformer studioofHanna-Barberais nowknown asCartoonNetworkStudiosand isunder theTurnerBroadcasting.
The WaltDisneyCompanyInc.(NYSE:DIS) (alsoknownasDisneyEnterprises,Inc.justDisneyorDisneyGroupSA)isone of the largestmediaandentertainmentin the world.FoundedonOctober 16, 1923porWaltDisneyandRoy Disney,thepassageoftimewould becomeoneofthe studiesdeHollywood,isoperatorandlicenseeofthemeparksandseveraltelevisionand cable networkssuch asABC,ESPN.Thecorporate officeis concentratedmainlyinTheWaltDisneyStudiosinBurbank, California.Thecompanyis listedontheStockExchangein NewYorkfromMay 6, 1991.
Best Actors Roberth de niro depp John - Morgan freemanjack nicholson tom hanks -Edward north denzelwashington anthony Hopkins - Angelina jolie and companies are -united universal pictures artists fox film corporation - columbia warner bros pictures -Paramount Pictures Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Group